Eadie Suhr

Hometown: Fredericksburg, IA
Major:  Bachelor of Music in Education (Instrumental)
Hobbies:  Anything involving live music, doing fieldwork, or showing cattle
Career Goal:  To inspire the next generation of musicians
Favorite Trumpet Players:  Hank Guzevich & Miles Davis
Favorite Trumpet Recording:  Hot House  (Aruturo Sandoval)
Favorite Food:  Chicken
Favorite Book:  A Time for Dancing (Davida Wills Hurwin)
Strangest Fact About Me:  I've been driving tractors since I was eight
Coolest/Oddest Musical Experience: Working with a Berklee graduate (and current Nashville musician) to bring him to our middle school, and to join his passion of putting on school assemblies as he tours
If you could create music with another musician (local, famous, dead/alive), who would it be and why?  Johnny Cash or Toby Keith. I would love to be in those horn sections. Being able to combine my 2 worlds and to be able to learn from all of those musicians would be incredible
What is the one thing that instantly makes your day better?  
A message from a long distance friend
What is your favorite random fact (NOT something about you)?  
On average, a Holstein cow can produce 80lbs of milk per day
Why do you think it's important to teach the younger generation music?  
Music is able to fit into the free moments of a life. Everyone consumes it. There is always room for improvement, and ways to grow; but you don't have to be good to receive the benefits. It can foster creativity and teach many other life skills
What is the most unexpected thing you have learned while studying music?  
How my nervousness works and ways to control it. I would not consider myself as someone who has stage fright. My nerves have shown up at random times. I can perform in front of hundreds and be fine, but certain times playing in front of peers has been more nerve-wracking than I ever expected it to be. This situation has been new to me since studying music
